Sunday, February 19, 2012

Michelle's Take Action

Michelle's Take Action:

I have been involved in the Spread The Word To End The Word campaign for a couple of years now.  I first saw it when I went to a Special Olympics event and saw people signing a banner to stop the use of the r-word.  This is when I first took the pledge to end the use of the r-word.  I think that this word is incredibly overused in our society, using it even once is too much.  The r-word is hurtful and derogatory.  I think many people simply do not think that their words hurt and I do not think in their hearts they are doing it intentionally.  This is why I think a Spread The Word To End The Word campaign would be perfect here at the SSU campus because it will educate people about the negative use of the r-word.  When people use the r-word they are not only hurting those with development disabilities but they are also hurting their caregivers and families.  Having worked with people with developmental disabilities for years now it breaks my heart every time I hear someone use the word and if it is in my ability I always make it a point to tell the person that using that word hurts and to think before they say it.  When people do something 'foolish' or 'stupid' they often call themselves or their friends retarded or a retard.  By using the r-word in this context people are implying that those with developmental disabilities are less than, stupid, act foolishly, and not smart.  When this is infact the opposite, people with developmental disabilities are smart, creative, kind, and have amazing determination and potential in everything they do.  I encourage everyone to go to and sign the pledge online to end your use of the word retard.

I wanted to share a video that really helps to capture what Spread The Word To End The Word is all about. This video was made by students who have developmental and intellectual disabilities.

I also wanted to share Spread The Word To End The Word's official PSA.  It played on television for a short time but was taken off due to the use of derogatory and slag words to describe groups of people.  But it was very powerful to those who have seen it and view it on the campaign's website.

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